Getting to host your site with a web host has never being easier. This could be attributed to a couple of reasons some of them being:
The free web hosting plan:
This is a plan that almost any web host worth its salt provide for clients. The reasons for this include:
The other type of web hosting plan that exists is the paid plans. These plans are graded from the least to the greatest. Each web hosting site decides on what they call each plan but they all follow the same rule most of the time. The price of each plan is tied to the features that come with it. Each webhosting plan that is paid for comes with a particular bandwidth. Some sites can provide paid webhosting plans for as low as $7 dollars depending on several factors.
Some of the things that determine the cost of the paid plans include:
- Competition has brought prices down and is keeping it down as web hosting sites are doing their utmost to corner as much of the market they can get.
- Technological advancement keeps on bringing over head costs down and this in turn is helping to bring the price down and make web hosting plans to be more numerous and cheaper.
- New ways of storing data like cloud computing has made it easier for web hosting sites to manage the sites they have and this too has helped to bring the plans down as well make web hosting plans easier to formulate.
The free web hosting plan:
This is a plan that almost any web host worth its salt provide for clients. The reasons for this include:
- Leveraging. Free web hosting plans is one of the most assured ways of getting a potential client convinced that the site should be the one they patronize. Moreover, it is usual that those that. Start with free web hosting would find it difficult to switch to another site when they want to start paying for the simple reason that they are already used to the environment. Besides, upgrading to a paid web hosting plan is just a click away and can be done seamlessly.
- Sites use this free webhosting plan to make residual income for these businesses and they may use it to also draw advertisement dollars or may offer a deal with the person that uses it whereas the site or blog is monetized and they get a particular percentage for providing the platform. There are some sites that use this alone to make more than half of their income.
The other type of web hosting plan that exists is the paid plans. These plans are graded from the least to the greatest. Each web hosting site decides on what they call each plan but they all follow the same rule most of the time. The price of each plan is tied to the features that come with it. Each webhosting plan that is paid for comes with a particular bandwidth. Some sites can provide paid webhosting plans for as low as $7 dollars depending on several factors.
Some of the things that determine the cost of the paid plans include:
- The specialization of the web hosting site. Some web hosting sites will tell you the area where they concentrate on and the services and features they have in that area. You will also get to know that they have a number of customers that are really satisfied with their services and patronize them. The prices of the web hosting plans may therefore differ from others because they have a strong brand name.
- Some very popular sites use their popularity and leverage on the fact that they have thousands of customers to give really low prices on their web hosting plans. They are big, so they use their scale to their advantage.
- Uniqueness may be very hard to come by when it comes to providing web hosting plans but it still plays a part in the web hosting plans that are available and their prices.
- Competition is one thing that will always make web hosting plans differ as the industry is something that keeps on growing because of the growth of the internet
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