To understand the basic fundamentals of web hosting, you may have to start from some commonly used terms.
Webhosting is the storage of information and data on places where they can be retrieved and interacted with through the World Wide Web. The collection of data stored is what usually makes up your site. So a webhost helps ‘house’ your site
Important terms:
Bandwidth Explained:
When browsers come to your site they set up bandwidth provided for by your web host. The bandwidth is like time lengths given to each site according to the bandwidth you subscribed to. It is measured in Megabytes (MB) and Gigabytes (GB). The monthly payment plan you pick will determine the amount of bandwidth allotted to you. Very good web hosting serves allows for scalability and upgrade so that you can expand your bandwidth as your site increases in traffic.
Domain Name Explained
there are no known addresses. Domain names are unique names that can’t be replicated on the web. Once you register a domain name, your site is the only own on the web that has that name. Webhosting site usually come with domain registration services either included in your plan or separately.
Database Explained
Database simply means a base for your data. The World Wide Web is all about data and every site would need a very consistent database structure in place. Web hosting sites provide this for you and computers communicate with your database using special languages like MySQL, MS SQL and SQL.
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is the basic means of communication between your site and the internet.
Hyper Text Mark up Language is the basic means by which sites are designed and built. You can use it to build your sites directly or it can be used indirectly using other means o connect to it. It is regarded as one of the easiest computer related languages to learn although it has been simplified even further by the use of other site design applications that interact with HTML on your behalf.
File Transfer Protocol is the set of protocols adopted when files are to be sent from your system to a server. Usually web pages designed in your computer and other forms and documents are sent to the web host using files transfer protocol. It is adopted by some web hosting sites as a means of transfer when Windows is the platform being used by the webhost and your computer. In that way, all you have to do is to type the address from your windows using FTP: //
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is the set of protocols that has been deployed for use when mails are to be sent. SMTP is what is used to set up the sites custom email address.
The best way to describe or picture what POP3 does is your typical snail mail post box. It is the box where your emails are stored for retrieval and use.
Webhosting is the storage of information and data on places where they can be retrieved and interacted with through the World Wide Web. The collection of data stored is what usually makes up your site. So a webhost helps ‘house’ your site
Important terms:
Bandwidth Explained:
When browsers come to your site they set up bandwidth provided for by your web host. The bandwidth is like time lengths given to each site according to the bandwidth you subscribed to. It is measured in Megabytes (MB) and Gigabytes (GB). The monthly payment plan you pick will determine the amount of bandwidth allotted to you. Very good web hosting serves allows for scalability and upgrade so that you can expand your bandwidth as your site increases in traffic.
Domain Name Explained
there are no known addresses. Domain names are unique names that can’t be replicated on the web. Once you register a domain name, your site is the only own on the web that has that name. Webhosting site usually come with domain registration services either included in your plan or separately.
Database Explained
Database simply means a base for your data. The World Wide Web is all about data and every site would need a very consistent database structure in place. Web hosting sites provide this for you and computers communicate with your database using special languages like MySQL, MS SQL and SQL.
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is the basic means of communication between your site and the internet.
Hyper Text Mark up Language is the basic means by which sites are designed and built. You can use it to build your sites directly or it can be used indirectly using other means o connect to it. It is regarded as one of the easiest computer related languages to learn although it has been simplified even further by the use of other site design applications that interact with HTML on your behalf.
File Transfer Protocol is the set of protocols adopted when files are to be sent from your system to a server. Usually web pages designed in your computer and other forms and documents are sent to the web host using files transfer protocol. It is adopted by some web hosting sites as a means of transfer when Windows is the platform being used by the webhost and your computer. In that way, all you have to do is to type the address from your windows using FTP: //
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is the set of protocols that has been deployed for use when mails are to be sent. SMTP is what is used to set up the sites custom email address.
The best way to describe or picture what POP3 does is your typical snail mail post box. It is the box where your emails are stored for retrieval and use.
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